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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 31
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-134, (January, 1980)

Elektrische Leitfähigkeitsänderungen bei der Festkörperreaktion
Pages 1-10
Irena Okońska-Kozłowska
Structure cristalline du composé RbEu3F10
Pages 11-21
A. Arbus, M.-T. Fournier, B. Picaud, G. Boulon, A. Vedrine
Thermodynamic study of lithium-vanadium bronzes by coulometric titration
Pages 23-30
A.V. Popov, Yu.G. Metlin, Yu.D. Tretyakov
Structure cristalline et propriétés physiques électriques et magnétiques des phases M0.50NbSe2 (M = Ti, V, Cr)
Pages 31-40
A. Meerschaut, M. Spiesser, J. Rouxel, O. Gorochov
Thermal decomposition of the 1:1 bismuth molybdate and its implications for catalytic oxidation
Pages 41-46
Jitendra Kumar, Eli Ruckenstein
Aspect énergétique de la localisation du thallium I dans le pyrochlore Tl2Ta2O6
Pages 47-51
A. Verbaere, M. Ganne, M. Tournoux
The crystal structure of the 2:5 phase in the K2O-ZrO2 system: K4Zr5O12, a compound with octahedral and trigonal prismatic zirconium(IV) coordination
Pages 53-58
B.M. Gatehouse, M.C. Nesbit
The crystal structure and some properties of Eu2Sb3
Pages 59-67
G. Chapuis, F. Hulliger, R. Schmelczer
Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of the fast-ion conductor β-Ag2S between 186 and 325°C
Pages 69-80
R.J. Cava, F. Reidinger, B.J. Wuensch
Thermal decomposition of managanese oxyhydroxide
Pages 81-93
J.A. Lee, C.E. Newnham, F.S. Stone, F.L. Tye
Etude de la structure K2NiF4 par la méthode des invariants, I. Cas des oxydes A2BO4
Pages 95-102
Paul Poix
Etude par RMN de la mobilité du lithium dans trois oxydes à structure pseudo-bidimensionnelle: Li8SnO6, Li7NbO6 et Li6In2O6
Pages 103-112
J. Senegas, A.M. Villepastour, C. Delmas
Domain and surface structures of sodium tungsten bronzes, NaxWo3 (0.4 < x < 1)
Pages 113-125
Masao Atoji
The luminescence of potassium siliconiobates
Pages 127-130
G. Blasse, B. Raveau
Thermal and dielectric properties of LiKSO4 and LiCsSO4
Pages 131-134
M. Delfino, G.M. Loiacono, W.A. Smith, A. Shaulov, Y.H. Tsuo, M.I. Bell

Issue 2, Pgs 135-284, (February, 1980)

Subsolidus phase diagram of Cu2O-CuO-MoO3 system
Pages 135-143
Tadeusz Machej, Jacek Ziółkowski
Phase relations in the cupric molybdates-cuprous molybdates system
Pages 145-151
Tadeusz Machej, Jacek Ziółkowski
A novel case of magnetic relaxation in the 99Ru Mössbauer spectrum of Na3RuO4
Pages 153-169
Terence C. Gibb, Robert Greatrex, Norman N. Greenwood
Phase diagram and some physical properties of V2O3+x (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.080)
Pages 171-188
Y. Ueda, K. Kosuge, S. Kachi
Phase equilibria for the system Mn0.394-Ti0.606-O-S at 1380 and 1485°K
Pages 189-195
Ian E. Grey, Richard R. Merritt
Magnetic properties and structures of equiatomic rare earth-platinum compounds RPt (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm)
Pages 197-207
A. Castets, D. Gignoux, J.C. Gomez-Sal
Electrical and optical properties of high-purity p-type single crystals of GeFe2O4
Pages 209-216
Pierre Strobel, Frans P. Koffyberg, Aaron Wold
Systematic interpretation of experimentally measured and theoretically calculated spectra of transition-metal compounds by an optimized, linearized crystal field fitting procedure
Pages 217-226
Lorenzo Pueyo, Margarita Bermejo, J.W. Richardson
The crystal structure of Hf3As
Pages 227-232
Jan-Olov Willerström, Bertil Carlsson, Stig Rundqvist
Theory and practice of a powerful technique for electrochemical investigation of solid solution electrode materials
Pages 233-247
G.J. Dudley, B.C.H. Steele
Kinetic study on the system of FeOCl and pyridine
Pages 249-255
Shinichi Kikkawa
Solid state electrochemical study of the phase diagram and thermodynamics of the ternary system Cu-Ge-O
Pages 257-264
W. Weppner, Chen Li-Chuan, A. Rabenau
Twin formation by a compressive stress on the transition of CsCl
Pages 265-268
M. Watanabe, M. Tokonami, N. Morimoto
Electrochemical investigations of the system LiUO2F2
Pages 269-274
E.T. Maas Jr., C.H. Chang, J.M. Longo
Phase equilibria and thermodynamics of the double oxide phase Cu3TiO4
Pages 275-279
D. Hennings
99Ru Mössbauer spectroscopic evidence for the presence of discrete ruthenium(III) and ruthenium(IV) ions in the compounds Ba4Ru3NbO12 and Ba4Ru3TaO12
Pages 281-284
Robert Greatrex, Norman N. Greenwood

Issue 3, Pgs 285-422, (1 March, 1980)

An infrared and Raman study of new lonic-conductor lithium glasses
Pages 285-294
M. Irion, M. Couzi, A. Levasseur, J.M. Reau, J.C. Brethous
Electrical conduction studies in ferric-doped KHSO4 single crystals
Pages 295-303
M. Sharon, A.K. Kalia
Etude du système Sb-Mo-O à 500°C: Mise en évidence de deux nouveaux oxydes de molybdène-antimoine
Pages 305-311
M. Parmentier, C. Gleitzer, R.J.D. Tilley
La phase SrLaFeO4: Structures cristalline et magnétique
Pages 313-320
J.L. Soubeyroux, P. Courbin, L. Fournes, D. Fruchart, G. Le Flem
Nonstoichiometric oxides with a layer structure: The compounds A1−x(Ti1−xM1+x)O5
Pages 321-328
Houria Rebbah, Gilbert Desgardin, Bernard Raveau
Synthesis and electrical properties of perovskite oxides, LnB0.75B0.25O3
Pages 329-335
M.A. Subramanian, G.V. Subba Rao
Electrical conductivity of Th3P4-type EnLn2S4
Pages 337-341
Mineo Sato, Gin-Ya Adachi, Jiro Shiokawa
The solid state 13C-NMR spectra of some intercalation compounds
Pages 343-345
Daniel T. Haworth, Charles A. Wilkie
The oxidation state of europium in niobates and tantalates having the tetragonal tungsten-bronze structure
Pages 347-353
Norman N. Greenwood, Francisca Viegas, Francis Studer
Mechanisms of thermal transformation of zinc blende to [NaCl] in MnS crystals
Pages 355-359
S.W. Kennedy, K. Harris, E. Summerville
The crystal structure of Pd2B
Pages 361-367
Lars-Erik Tergenius, Torsten Lundström
Étude experimentale et théorique de la polarisation des PZT durs dopes au niobium
Pages 369-376
Maurice Bernard, Roland Briot, Gérard Grange
Influence des impuretés sur la conductivité cationique dans l'oxyde de magnesium monocristallin
Pages 377-385
Michel Duclot, Charles Deportes
Surface studies of electrically conducting “CsSn2I5
Pages 387-392
Steven L. Suib, Galen D. Stucky, Richard J. Blattner, Paul F. Weller
Studies of layered uranium(VI) compounds. II. Thermal stability of hydrogen uranyl phosphate and arsenate tetrahydrates
Pages 393-399
Arthur T. Howe, Mark G. Shilton
Propriétés magnétiques et électriques de thiospinelles quaternaires
Pages 401-405
J. Padiou, D. Bideau, J.P. Troadec
Magnetic superexchange involving the oxygen-sulfur-oxygen pathway of the sulfate ion: A Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility study of Fe(2,9-di-CH3-phenanthroline) SO4
Pages 407-414
William Michael Reiff, Bruce W. Dockum
Protonic conduction and the Néel temperature in deuterated ammonium dihydrogen arsenate
Pages 415-416
Charles T. Perrino, Robert G. Johnson Jr.
Electronic structure and properties of NbS3 and Nb3S4: D. W. Bullett. Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HE United Kingdom
Pages 417-420
Author index for volume 31
Pages 421-422